Studwise Innovative Technology

Our Benefits

STUDWISE…Down to Earth with our END-USER

11 Reasons to choose Studwise Wear Studs…

Extended Life of Equipment
Wear Studs fully protect the host with a ‘Rock Box’ unequalled by existing market alternatives. Coupled with superior wear resistance, Studwise Wear Studs can extend the life of your equipment five to ten times longer than traditional protection systems.

Cost Savings
By applying Wear Studs, you not only extend the life of your equipment, you can shave off thousands of dollars in the process.

Reduced Downtime
Wear Studs are easily applied with a welding gun. An area can be covered in a few hours, rather than the several days required by conventional hardfacing methods.

Better Application
Heat is limited to the small weld zone around the Wear Stud, which reduces the possibility of heat distorting the parent metal.

Built Tough
Studwise Wear Studs contain high levels of carbon and chromium. This not only ensures they homogenously join to heavy wear areas; it also makes them incredibly durable and able to withstand the toughest mining conditions.

Proven Protection
Field operations in Iron Ore, Coal, Mineral Sands, Gold and Nickel Ore bodies testify to the quality of this proven and cost effective product.

Weight Advantage
Studwise Wear Studs provide a weight advantage up to 10:1 over steel plate of the same profile.

Shock Loads
Individual Wear Studs allow the host material to flex under impact situations, distributing stress throughout, rather than being rigid.

Easy to maintain
Wear Studs provide an early visual indicator of the need for stud replacement, which reduces the need for wear checks. In addition, areas of extremely high wear can be re-protected by simply applying a Wear Stud on top of the worn stud.

Increased safety
Studwise Wear Studs significantly reduce the number of maintenance hours spent on equipment, minimising the risk of injury to personnel.

Latest Technology

Our new patent-protected  X-Stud with re-inforced technology and maximum integrity is revolutionary and exclusive to Studwise.


Address: Unit 3/8 Strang Street, Beaconsfield 

Western Australia, 6162

Phone: +61 411 604 457
